Minerva Learning Trust
24th June 2024

Dress Code at HSS

John Bedford, Assistant Headteacher

Now that the weather is warming, and summer is well on the way we have noticed a number of questions recently regarding our dress code. Information has been sent to all students on satchel - that reminds students of the High Storrs dress code.

Our High Storrs values of being safe, respectful, and responsible are applicable to all aspects of school life We share weekly reminders to students with regards to these values and through our non-negotiables that include reference to the schools’ dress code.

It is well known that High Storrs does not have a uniform. It is one of the unique factors that makes High Storrs different to other schools across the city and attracts students towards our sixth form. It’s such a delight to have morning conversations with students on the school gate about their day as a whole, the school trips they are embarking on that day, the books they are reading, the instrument they are carrying or the assembly they are about to attend, rather than uniform issues relating to the wrong colour shoes or style of trousers.

Although we do not have a uniform, we do have a dress code. An agreed set of principles that allow students to keep an element of choice in their identity without crossing boundaries that some may find offensive. This time of year, with the warmer weather and lighter evenings, we do get some questions from students and parents around our dress code and what will incur a behaviour log for students if they do not follow these principles.

The dress code is as follows. Students should:

  • take off hats and hoods inside the school building (not applicable to headscarves) and remove coats in lessons and assemblies.
  • cover up midriffs.
  • ensure skirts and shorts are not excessively short. - should be mid-thigh length or longer.
  • ensure underwear is not on show (e.g. no low cut or strappy tops, or low-slung trousers).
  • wear clothes free from explicit or offensive images or slogans (e.g. swearing, images suggesting sexual activity).
  • observe health and safety. There will be no excessive jewellery, large dangling earrings, flip-flops and stiletto heels.
  • protect themselves against extreme weather (e.g. by wearing a waterproof coat and jumper in the winter and using sun lotion and sunglasses as appropriate outside in the summer).
  • sunglasses must not be worn inside unless for medical reasons as agreed as part of a student’s individual snapshot.

I would like to thank you all for helping ensure all students stick to the HSS dress code. Students that have specific dress code questions can discuss these with their form tutor or pastoral leads (Head of House/Head of Year).

John Bedford, Assistant Headteacher