Minerva Learning Trust

Curriculum Policy & Overview

At High Storrs we have a strong and varied curriculum offer that reflects our Creative and Performing Arts specialism as well as including Classical and other subjects, some of which are rarely seen in other schools. We value diversity and our curriculum reflects that.

Our curriculum is a careful balance of knowledge and skills that leads students to successful examination outcomes as well as developing them as life-long learners and well-rounded individuals who are able to make valuable contributions to their communities.

We run a weekly timetable with five 1 hour periods each day. Teaching is excellent across the board and Core subjects are particularly outstanding. 

Our curriculum structure is based on a 2-year Key Stage 3 and a hybrid Y9 as part of a flexible 3-year model in Key Stage 4. Key Stage 5 is a 2-year model, with very few AS Levels being taken. However, the ‘Key Stage’ timings are somewhat arbitrary as we see our provision as a 5 year journey, or a seven year journey for those continuing to our sixth form.

You can see exactly what subjects are available in each Key Stage and how they are arranged and what they include in the accompanying documents.

KS5 Curriculum

High Storrs offers A level/ L3 courses. In addition, there is 4 hours of provision for students who need to secure a grade C or better in GCSE maths. Students also have access to the ‘Extended Project Qualification’ (EPQ). All A level courses have 5 hours of teaching.

Students are expected to study a minimum of 3 subjects alongside 1 hour of skills/enrichment. Some students will choose four subjects at AS Level in Y12, although we do cater for a three and five subjects (Further Maths), depending upon the needs of the individual. Students studying more than 3 subjects will drop one of these subjects at the beginning of Year 13 after taking the AS examination in that subject, and focus on three or four through to full A Level. For some students three subjects in Year 12 at AS level is a more suitable option. It is expected that they will then follow all three through to full A level standard.

If you have any further questions about our curriculum please contact the school.

Our Extra Curricular Activities can be viewed here

Making Key Stage Choices information can be viewed here

Homework information can be viewed here