Minerva Learning Trust
13th September 2022

An account of starting Sixth Form at High Storrs School – September 2022

This latest blog has been written by a Y12 students reflecting on their first week at HSS Sixth Form.

In the days leading up to the beginning of sixth form, I was equal parts excited and nervous. I would experience long periods happily anticipating a shining new year at High Storrs, interrupted by short bursts of intense dread. My main fear was that I had underestimated A levels, and that I would find myself unavoidably swamped by work from week one and drowning in revision by the end of the year. Every so often, however, I was overcome by a brilliant sense of optimism, convinced that I had, in fact, overestimated A levels, and all talks of the dreaded ‘jump’ from GCSE to A level were empty threats. In these moments I thought that I would breeze through the next two years with minimal stress. It is safe to say that going into year twelve my feelings were mixed.

Aside from the (so far) manageable workload, my first week in year twelve was pleasantly surprising. Although I have been at High Storrs since year seven, entering school on the 5th September felt like I was starting brand new. For the first time in five years, I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, both of students and teachers. I found it refreshing to be able to talk to someone I had never met before and begin to form new friendships and relationships with teachers.

Also for the first time in five years I have found myself thoroughly enjoying every day at school: by picking my three favourite subjects from GCSE I never have to sit through another gruelling double period of my least favourite GCSE ever again! Instead, I can come to school every day looking forward to a triple period of Classics or French, which I will find interesting.

Probably my favourite thing about sixth form so far is that by choosing only three or four subjects students can really delve deeply into, and dedicate more time to, the subjects they personally find appealing and engaging.

Entering sixth form has made me feel like an adult, from the way teachers treat us to being able to buy coffee and Oreos from the sixth form common room. I have always worked best alone, so I thoroughly enjoy the independent study periods on my timetable. I’ve found that the dozens of available computers, the many sixth form study spaces, and the multitudes of books in the library are a real advantage to working alone without a teacher’s guidance. But I am looking forward to Christmas time, when we can go home during our study periods, so I can do my schoolwork from the comfort of my own home!

Overall, I have enjoyed my first week at sixth form, and can’t wait to enrich my knowledge and form more lifelong friendships in the years to come.