Minerva Learning Trust
8th February 2021

Update on Sixth Form Applications

Laura Mason

As Y11 families are aware, the deadline for Post 16 applications to Sixth Forms (via Sheffield Progress) was 31st January. We are delighted that we have received a record number of excellent applications. We have enjoyed reading Y11 students’ applications and personal statements over the past few weeks.   

Throughout the application process we encouraged students to keep an open and ongoing dialogue with us. We have been in contact with some students whose predicted grades do not meet the entry requirements, either for minimum entry to Sixth Form or for their A Level choices.

What happens now?

As well as reading each student’s application, we also check that they meet the entry requirements for the programme of the study they have applied for. We then give this information to the Local Authority, who make offers to Y11 students across the city (and beyond) at the end of the month.

We then wait to hear from the Local Authority, who will inform us which students confirm the offer to study at High Storrs Sixth Form from September 2021. Students will confirm acceptance of any Sixth Form offer by Friday 12th March 2021.

This allows us to start planning for all of our new students as we have a good idea of who will be joining (GCSE results dependant, of course). We start to finalise the Y12 timetable and prepare for our Applicant Days in July 2021, where students join us for two taster days. Over the next few months other students may apply (or reapply) and, depending on our numbers, we will start our waiting list.

For students who have applied to another Sixth Form, the process will be very much the same. After March 12th all Sixth Forms will be in touch with their offer holders to communicate information about transition and results days.

Laura Mason, Assistant Headteacher - Director of Sixth Form