Minerva Learning Trust

Blog archive

16th October 2017

Did you know...?

Ryan Parker, Art Department

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4th October 2017

Leslie Evans', Permanent Secretary for Scotland, address to Y12

Leslie Evans, alumnae from 1970-76, is the top Civil Servant in Scotland, working directly under Nicola Sturgeon. On Monday 2nd October she returned to the school along with 10 other alumni, to speak with our Y12 pupils about careers. She has kindly sent over her notes from her Key Note talk. Read more

3rd October 2017

September Sun, Sea and Sediment Sampling

Mr Lockwood, Subject Head of Geography

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18th September 2017


Miss L Mason, Assistant Headteacher – Director of Sixth Form

Since term started, I have certainly talked a lot about success. I have presented my goals for success in assemblies to Year 12 and Year 13 and discussed success at the Y12 Welcome Evening for parents. Read more

11th September 2017

New Academic Year

Ms C Tasker, Headteacher

Everyone at High Storrs is still giddy about the success of our students in August. The percentage of students achieving grade 5 + in the new Maths and English GCSEs was the highest in the city. Indeed, the fantastic Y11s also surpassed expectations achieving numbers of top grades (new grade 9s) well above the national average. The number of Y11s at High Storrs achieving the Ebacc (a good pass in Maths, English, Science, a language and a humanity) was also the highest in the city! There were many fabulous performances at A Level too. Read more

5th September 2017


Miss G Johnson & Ms G Gill

So what is Classics and why do we offer it as a subject? ...and how can you help us save it?! Read more

12th June 2017

Female Leadership

Mrs Tasker

Two thirds of all teachers are female and yet only one third of Headteachers are female. Read more

6th June 2017

A Note to Year 13

Mrs Bonner

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26th May 2017

A Note to Year 11

Mrs O'Connor

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23rd May 2017

A letter from Mahroof Mohammed, School Governor

Mahroof Mohammed, school governor

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