Minerva Learning Trust
30th January 2017

A Day in the life of a Sixth Form student

Nicole, Sixth Form Student

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a sixth former can comprise of virtually anything; with academics, extra-curricular activities, University applications, and life outside of school to consider, there’s so much going on. My timetable varies from day to day. Usually I have a two or three hours of taught lessons, with the rest of my time dedicated to independent work. 

Today. having attended registration, my first lesson is History, we’re focusing on early-modern Spanish finances, and my group is delivering our presentation on economic mismanagement under Charles V. Our teachers put a real emphasis on group work and independent research, in an effort to prepare us for life after school, and it’s an especially enjoyable aspect of the course.

As the bell rings for break, I usually dart along to the Sixth Form Deli, ready for my mid-morning caffeine hit, before finding a seat with a group of friends. Although the common room itself is always hectic, it has such a welcoming and energetic atmosphere.

In the third and final hour of History, I’m working on my coursework; our class is focusing on the Witch Hunts, which is a fascinating area of study. I’m particularly interested in the gender dynamics at play within the trials, and to what extent they were a persecution of the contemporary female social identity.

After a morning of intense note making, lunch is certainly welcome. Although I have my afternoon free, I usually take half an hour to eat lunch with my friends, before spending the rest of the day in the Study Room, either on homework or revision. Finally, a night of more work usually follows, before repeating the pattern in the morning!